Environmental statistics 45% open


What data is expected?

A selection of deforestation, pollution statistics (air and water pollution), as well as information on extractives activities, and their concessions/licences.

  • Air pollution levels
  • Water quality
  • Extractives activities
  • Deforestation
  • None of the above

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Available free of charge Yes Data is not available.
Downloadable No
Publicly available Yes
Openly licenced No
Up-to-date Yes
In an open and machine-readable format
Digital data No
Print data No
location href="https://portals.flexicadastre.com/Cameroon/fr/" https://portals.flexicadastre.com/Cameroon/fr/">rel="nofollow">https://portals.flexicadastre.com/Cameroon/fr/ - Concessions can be seen via the mining cadastre (see here) including award size, duration of concession, concession status, resource extracted, location of cadastre, company gaining award.
Collected by government Yes Normally the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development is responsible for collecting this data. And also the National Institute of Statistics is in charge of managing data infrastructure in the country.
findable_steps I have mainly used online research. I have also interviewed a staff of the EITI Cameroon on extractives activities.
characteristics Extractives activities There is data on extractives activities published by the EITI Cameroon, but it is the financial side of extractives activities that is concerned. Data on environmental side is not found.
Controlled access No
Collector name Le Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Protection de la Nature et du Développement Durable, Office National de l'Electricité et de l'Eau (ONEE) contracted services to Camerounaise des Eaux, National Institute of Statistics, Cameroon’s Sous Direction du Cadastre Minier (for mining extraction) The official website of the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development is not working. The National Institute of Statistics has a data portal to publish diverse data.
Data is generally not available on environmental statistics. Latest information found online on Air pollution is on this 2017 link ; https://www.investiraucameroun.com/environnement/2509-9481-au-cameroun-l-air-est-plus-pollue-qu-au-gabon-au-congo-et-en-guinee-equatoriale No updated information has been found on Water Quality, Deforestation and the impact of Extractives Activities on environment.

Water pollution has only been measured in one city as part of a pilot project Deforestation data is made available by WRI who “partners with the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife (MINFOF) to develop the Interactive Forest Atlas of Cameroon, and to build the capacity of forest stakeholders in remote sensing, GIS, and forest information management. This partnership aims to strengthen forest management and land use planning by bringing all major land use categories onto the same platform.” Source: https://www.wri.org/our-work/project/congo-basin-forests/cameroon#project-tabs

Meta data

Data location   https://portals.flexicadastre.com/Cameroon/fr/ - Concessions can be seen via the mining cadastre (see here) including award size, duration of concession, concession status, resource extracted, location of cadastre, company gaining award.
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Danny Lämmerhirt
Submitters   Charlie Martial NGOUNOU
Last modified   Sat May 12 2018 07:03:44 GMT+0000 (UTC)