Land Ownership 55% open


What data is expected?

Data should include maps of lands with parcel layer and display parcel boundaries in addition to a land registry with information on transactions of parcels of land. The assessment criteria were developed in collaboration with Cadasta Foundation. For more information on land ownership datasets and where they're located, see Cadasta Foundation's Data Overview](

  • Types of cadastre
  • Transaction history of parcel
  • Parcel boundaries
  • Parcel location
  • Data available for the entire country
  • None of the above

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Available free of charge Yes
Downloadable No No data cannot be downloaded.
Publicly available Yes
Openly licenced No “Os conteúdos deste site não podem ser republicados (incluindo republicação em outro site); vendidos, alugados, sub-licenciados; reproduzidos, duplicados, copiados ou utilizados de qualquer outra forma sem prévio consentimento escrito do MIREM e da Trimble Land Administration . Acresce que o site não pode ser editado ou de outra forma modificado; redistribuído; ou utilizado para fins litigiosos.”
Up-to-date Yes
In an open and machine-readable format WFS
location href=""">rel="nofollow"> - Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, - Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy This Portal is related to mining registry
Collected by government Yes
findable_steps Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy. On the website, there is a banner that redirects to the mineral registry portal
characteristics Parcel boundaries, Parcel location
Controlled access Yes
Collector name Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy (Ministério dos Recursos Minerais e Energia de Moçambique)
Mining and petroleum cadastres available.

Meta data

Data location - Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy - Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy
Data licence   Unknown
Data format   WFS
Reviewer   Danny Lämmerhirt
Submitters   anonymous
Last modified   Tue May 08 2018 16:04:41 GMT+0000 (UTC)